Process of Trademark Registration for Foreigners in China
How does a foreigner apply for trademark registration in China? Below is the detailed information provided by Shanghai Tannet company:
In China, the applicant of trademark registration can be a natural person, a legal person, a foreigner or other organization.
1.A natural person could be individual business, all partners of an enterprise of individual partnership, leaseholding farm households or a natural person engaged in business operation approved by law.
2.A legal person shall be an organization that has capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct and independently enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with the law, including enterprises, public institutions and social organizations, except Party and government institutions.
3.Foreigner: A foreigner or a foreign invested company can apply for trademark registration in China according to a bilateral agreement signed between the country they belong to and China or the international convention they are both engaged in . If the foreigner or the foreigner invested company has habitual residence or site for operation, the procedures of trademark registration will be the same as the local applicants. Otherwise, they should authorize a qualified trademark agent to apply for the trademark registration.
4.Other organization includes unincorporated enterprises, public institutions, social organizations and other organizations.
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